An example of how to structure one unit of work is the daily model, which allows students to spend a set amount of time on specific subjects on certain days. Flexibility can be provided by offering students choices in the times they do their set tasks or by offering a choice of tasks to work on in the allotted time.


A Year 8 geography class is given a series of activities to be completed daily, over 5 days. This includes the provision of a task on Monday which is to be submitted on Friday. The students are provided with content to achieve the task via Google Classroom and one scheduled Zoom session, which includes the students at school. Dedicated time is allocated to complete part of the task each day.

A Year 1 teacher sets a series of English activities for students to complete. The activities include a reading task, a writing task and an online phonics task. At the beginning of the day, the teacher provides whole class instruction to set expectations. Students learning at home join via Microsoft Teams call. Students can choose when they complete each task over the course of the day. The teacher schedules check ins with 3 students who require additional support.

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