Partnerships, policies and frameworks


The department is committed to strengthening relationships with Aboriginal communities and organisations.

Together We Are; Together We Can; Together We Will – Our partnership agreement with the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) is a statement of intent of how the NSW AECG and the department work together. The strength of the NSW AECG is its community base through its network of over 140 local and regional AECGs. This allows Aboriginal people to have a voice in self-determining their educational future which will impact on the future prosperity of Aboriginal communities.

Our partnership with the NSW AECG allows policies and programs to be developed that meet the needs of Aboriginal people and their communities. The working together of Aboriginal communities and the department is strengthened under this Partnership Agreement to achieve common goals set in consultation and negotiation with Aboriginal communities.


Department of Education policies that relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Diversity Inclusion Belonging Strategy 2023-2026

The department’s Diversity, inclusion and belonging strategy describes the actions it will take to build an inclusive workforce through employee awareness, understanding and engagement, attract, recruit, develop and retain a workforce which reflects the community we serve, and strengthen workforce data and evidence to inform sustainable decisions and initiatives.

Aboriginal Education Policy

Aboriginal education and training is core business for all staff. The department’s Aboriginal Education Policy defines our commitment to improving the educational outcomes and wellbeing of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, providing Aboriginal cultural education for all staff, and collaborative decision-making.

Anti-Racism Policy

The department rejects all forms of racism. The department’s Anti-Racism Policy commits the department to the elimination of racial discrimination in its corporate offices and schools.

Aboriginal Procurement Policy

The NSW Government's Aboriginal Procurement Policy aims to award at least three per cent of the total number of domestic contracts to Aboriginal-owned businesses by 2021. The department is committed to increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal peoples and the participation and growth of Aboriginal-owned businesses through procurement activities.


The Re-imagining Evaluation Framework highlights the importance of centring Aboriginal students, their families, and their communities at the heart of evaluation methodology and processes. It is only by incorporation of culturally relevant principles and authentic consultation that we can truly understand what is and is not valued, and what is and is not working, for Aboriginal students, their families, and their communities in public education across all settings. From early childhood to the tertiary and VET sectors, everyone has a role to play.


  • Education support operations

Business Unit:

  • Aboriginal Education and Communities
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